Tuesday, September 13, 2011

she's heeereee ---->

i thought this day would never come--- but it's finally here. stay tuned for pure awesome-ness to come. {let the good times roll}


Rebecca said...

Can't wait to read all about it.

BTW....sweet aviators, Nicole!

memory said...

your sis gave me your blog link after i read her post today. it took me about zero seconds to decide that i would follow yours. :)
you are living my dream right now. i would love to be a full time missionary. i found your sissy's blog and it is officiially my favorite right now. i know yours is def going to be a favorite too!
the picture at the top is beautiful with all of those sweet looking kiddos. it reminds me of my mission trips to jamaica and the sweet chitlins there. i miss them. <3
from what i've read it looks like you and your sis are very close to each other. me and my sis are the very same way. she is my bestest bud in the whole world :)) it's good to see another pair of such close sisters. <3
i really and truly cannot wait to keep reading your blog. it has made me super excited (espcially your big secret you've yet to reveal lol)